my test results

Hello, Where can I find my test results?


  • Hello Elena,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    You would go to to get your test results. You would enter your test ID number where it is required to enter that information. Once you enter the test ID number you would be able to get the test results.

    Best regards,
    Charlene Customer Service
  • send to test I’d card with the test so we do not have the test id number to see the results.
    Doreen Burton
  • Hello Doreen,

    Thank you for your inquiry!

    Did you register the BalanceTest at If so, when the test results are available, you will receive a notification with the test ID number in the email or text.

    Have a great day!

    Best regards,
    Charlene Customer Service
  • Hallo, I want to test your produkts.  BR Rima
  • Hello Rima,

    Thank you for your interest in our products!

    For in-depth details, product sheets, and videos, please visit our website: Zinzino Customerweb. Here, you can also place an order for any of our products.

    Let us know if you need further assistance!

    Best regards,

    Michelle Customer Care Supervisor
  • I need to obtain test results on a patient, however, I do not have patients' zinzino ID.
  • Hello Stevie,

    Thank you for your inquiry!

    You would go to and enter the patient's test ID number. To get the test results.

    Have a great day!

    Best regards,
    Charlene Customer Service
  • Hi, I understand that is the next step I would do; however, I do NOT have the zinzino ID card. How else would I obtain my results with NO ID card?
  • Hello Stevie,

    You can only get the BalanceTest results with the test ID number.
    Did you or the patient register the test at before it was mailed out?

    Best regards,
    Charlene Customer Service
  • Hi,
    Yes, the patient completed the full zinzino sign-up through She is unable to find the email with the baseline results or the ID card. Is there no other way of obtaining the zinzino ID card?
  • Hi Stevie,

    No, that is he only way to get the test results with that test ID number.
    We can issue the patient a one time courtesy replacement test. We would need the name and the login ID number for the account that the test was purchased on.

    Best regards,
    Charlene Customer Service
  • Hi,
    I've relayed on 
    Would Zinzino be able to relay on when this specific patient's results were emailed?

  • Hi Charlene,
    Our patient wishes to proceed with this one-time courtesy re-test.

    I feel email would be best to further discuss necessary information so that ourpatient may continue Balance Oil use and look forward to baseline results. Please feel free to reach outto me via the email I've provided for these public comments.
  • Hello Stevie,

    Please email the information to

    Best regards,
    Charlene Customer Service

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